This is a special combination version of the Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Ladder Cheat (IKE - like what came on the 4 board stack originally) High Score save kits on a single daughtercard.
It is simply a double sized kit that contains both the DK and Donkey Kong Ladder Cheat high score save kit combined into one kit whereby you set a jumper to select which game.
There is a small blue jumper on the kit. This jumper selects either the DK or Donkey Kong Ladder Cheat bank of the doubled up eprom.
When the jumper is between A-B, this selects DK, When the jumper is between B-C, this selects Ladder Cheat
If no jumper is installed, same as B-C, selects Ladder Cheat. If you are to convert this kit to D2K Jumpman Returns, then remove the jumper.