Mikie, known as Shinnyū Shain Tōru-kun in Japan, is an arcade video game developed and released by Konami in 1984. The object of the game is to guide a student named Mikie around the school locations to collect hearts which make up a letter from his girlfriend while being chased by members of the school staff. In Japan, the game's setting was changed an office in order to avoid controversy, while the original version of the game was released internationally. Centuri distributed the game in North America.


Mikie , known as  Shinnyū Shain Tōru-kun  in Japan, is an  arcade video game  developed and released by  Konami  in 1984. The object of the game is... read more »
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Mikie, known as Shinnyū Shain Tōru-kun in Japan, is an arcade video game developed and released by Konami in 1984. The object of the game is to guide a student named Mikie around the school locations to collect hearts which make up a letter from his girlfriend while being chased by members of the school staff. In Japan, the game's setting was changed an office in order to avoid controversy, while the original version of the game was released internationally. Centuri distributed the game in North America.


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ONLINE Mikie Free Play and High Score Save Kit
WiFi Enabled Mikie Free Play and High Score...
This Mikie Free Play and High Score Save Kit is WIFI enabled! To setup your module - https://highscoresave.com/how-to-setup-wifi-module-for-online-save-kits You will receive a customized web page for all of your online save kits! Visit...
From $85.00 *
Mikie Free Play and High Score Save Kit
Mikie Free Play and High Score Save Kit
Easy install - No soldering, board modifications or special wiring. Plug in and go! Save your scores forever - We use a serial eprom, not failure prone NVRAM or batteries High Score Save - Saves the Top 5 scores! Attract Sounds - Hear...
From $60.00 *