Braze Red Baron Installation Guide
Steps for a successful install of your online or offline high score save kit -
· Ensure your gameboard is working 100% before installing kit
· Ensure power to game is off before removing your gameboard from cabinet
· Label any connectors that you will be disconnecting. This will make reinstalling easier once kit is on gameboard
· Note which way your connectors/cables are on. (We suggest taking pictures to help you remember!)
· Work in a well-lit area on your workbench
The Braze Red Baron kit contains -
· 1 – 6502 Daughter card
· Please note – This is a guide to install Braze Red Baron kit.
Please note – you will need a 6502 to install on this kit. There is an option to purchase in the drop downs of the product page when you order. Or you can use an existing one.
Overview –
This is what your pcb should look like. This kit will only work on a Red Baron PCB -
Locate and remove the 6502 CPU chip on the boardset.
The 6502 CPU chip is a 40 pin (large) chip, located at M3 It is the only 40 pin chip on the boardset. Remove the chip gently by using a flat head screwdriver to pry it out of its socket from each end. Some of the Atari boardsets have open frame sockets which do not protect the PCB traces. Be careful not to scratch any of the PCB traces underneath the socket. Also be careful not to bend any of the pins. If any pins do get inadvertently bent, you will need to straighten them out before the next step. Needle nose pliers work the best for this.
Insert the 6502 CPU into the daughter card
Insert the just removed 6502 CPU chip into the empty 40 pin socket on the High Score Save Kit. Make sure pin-1 is correctly oriented. Pin-1 is marked on the 6502 CPU chip usually by some type of indentation or circle molded into the plastic. The end of the chip with the marking, needs to match up with the socket on the daughter card that also has a marking on the plastic. Pin-1 is also labelled on the kit pcb with a "1". If the 6502 chip is installed backwards it will cause permanent damage to the 6502 chip.
Insert the daughter card into the boardset
Insert the daughter card back into the 6502 CPU socket on the boardset where the 6502 CPU chip was originally removed from. Again, make sure pin-1 of the 6502/daughter card is oriented to correctly match pin-1 on the boardset.
That's it!
· Double check your work
· Install back in cabinet using pictures you took and any marked connectors
· Power up the game and enjoy!
If the game does not start, turn power off immediately, double check
your work.
Helpful link - https://highscoresave.com/braze-kit-tips-and-tricks
A common mistake is not having the daughter card inserted correctly,
either hanging over the socket by 1 pin, or in backwards. In this case you
will usually just see the powerup garbage on the screen. This garbage is
just the random bits that are in the character RAM at powerup, and it
indicates the CPU was not able to run.
Powerup and game and enjoy!
Reinstall your board into the cabinet, hookup the edge connector with the original orientation and then powerup your game.
If the game does not come up, turn power off immediately, double check your work.
As a side note, if you want, you can also remove the old code eproms. These are located at the edge of the board near the 6502 CPU location.
Easy to clear out the high scores when desired. Simply put the game into selftest (using the cabinet selftest switch). Once in selftest mode, press and hold) the start button and the fire button.
The screen will immediately show "ERASED" indicating the high scores have been cleared out. This is a similar procedure used by other Atari games.